Episode 3 : 100 Square Feet
Here are links to the episode in a few different places​
We've left the studio and headed out into the city! See below for some more info about PARK(ing) Day and other related topics.
Barnes Dance
Brian was very excited that we got to briefly talk about his favorite urban phenomena: the pedestrian scramble (also called the Barnes Dance). Here is a great article on the creator and the history of the strategy.
The most famous example of this is the Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo. Click here for a cool 360 degree video of the packed intersection.
History of PARK(ing) DAY
As we mentioned in the show, the first PARK(ing) DAY installation was simply some sod, a tree, and a bench. Click here for a great article tracing the growth of the even from such humble beginnings.
Installations like this are often referred to as parklets, imagining them as mini parks. Rebar, the firm behind the first PARK(ing) DAY, has also designed what they call a walklet. You can see more about that here.
See for Yourself
Of course, we were interested in talking about this event partly due to our participation in it. Click here to see more photos of what we built.
Image courtesy of CityLab